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women's careers

Thought-provoking Case Studies During 2nd Gathering of 2019

on Mon, 2019-10-07 13:50

Fifty women beta-tested four different case studies over dinner on July 11th. All four case studies were inspired by our April trip to Alabama as well as stories told to me by women within the 130 women strong Principle Quest community. None of these case studies have simple solutions or a 'right' answer. The hoped-for-outcome is to learn how to have a dialogue, not a debate, and how to build relationships. As Daniel Yankelovich described the need for dialogue in his book The Magic of Dialogue,

If the values of reciprocity, stewardship, responsibility, citizenship, civic virtue, and love

Careers & Pregnancy

on Sun, 2018-09-09 19:44

Legendary moment when her pregnancy inspired the fund raising timing– and successfully! This needs to happen at every level of an organization; pregnancy is reality, shouldn't set you back in your career, rather something to celebrate.  “Fundraising tends to drift,” Ms. McCarthy said in an interview. “I said, I have something that’s not going to drift. This baby is going to come out.”